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Estrich Globus

Estrich Technology: A Versatile Solution for Flooring Installations


In the realm of flooring installations, Estrich technology has emerged as a versatile and cost-effective alternative to traditional concrete floors. This innovative approach offers numerous benefits, making it an increasingly popular choice for various applications.

Advantages of Estrich Technology

Estrich technology provides several advantages over regular concrete floors, including: * Superior quality: Estrich is renowned for its smooth, even surface and high structural integrity. It minimizes the risk of cracks and imperfections, ensuring a durable and aesthetically pleasing flooring surface. * Enhanced durability: Estrich floors are exceptionally robust and can withstand heavy loads, making them ideal for high-traffic areas and industrial settings. They also resist wear and tear, ensuring longevity. * Energy efficiency: Estrich can be combined with heating elements to create radiant heating systems. This allows for efficient and comfortable heating, reducing energy consumption and creating a cozy environment. * Eco-friendly: Estrich is an eco-friendly flooring solution, utilizing sustainable materials and minimizing waste during installation. It contributes to a greener building footprint.

Applications of Estrich

Estrich technology finds wide applications across various sectors, including: * Commercial buildings: Estrich is a popular choice for office buildings, schools, and hospitals due to its ability to provide a durable, low-maintenance flooring surface. * Residential properties: In homes, Estrich floors offer a modern and elegant aesthetic, combining style with functionality. * Industrial facilities: Estrich is well-suited for heavy industrial environments, providing resistance to chemicals, abrasions, and heavy machinery.


Estrich technology has revolutionized the flooring industry, offering numerous advantages over traditional concrete floors. Its versatility, durability, energy efficiency, and eco-friendliness make it an ideal solution for a wide range of applications. By embracing Estrich technology, professionals and homeowners alike can achieve high-quality, cost-effective, and sustainable flooring installations.
