An Overview Of The Party

The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU)

An Overview of the Party

The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) is a Christian democratic and conservative party founded between 1945 and 1950. The CDU is one of the two major political parties in Germany, along with the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).

The CDU's Beliefs and Policies

The CDU's core beliefs include a commitment to Christian values, social market economy, and European integration. The party generally supports conservative policies, such as:

  • Lower taxes
  • Reduced government spending
  • A strong military
  • Traditional family values

Key Figures in the CDU

Some notable figures in the CDU include:

  • Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany (2005-2021)
  • Joachim-Friedrich Martin Josef Merz, current Leader of the CDU (since 2021)
  • Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission (since 2019)

The CDU in Government

The CDU has played a significant role in German politics since its founding. The party has held the chancellorship for much of the post-war era, including from 1957 to 1963, 1966 to 1969, 1982 to 1998, and 2005 to 2021.

Current Challenges Facing the CDU

Like many other political parties in the Western world, the CDU is facing challenges such as:

  • The rise of populism and nationalism
  • The increasing polarization of the electorate
  • The need to adapt to a changing political landscape


The Christian Democratic Union of Germany is a major political party that has played a significant role in German history. The party continues to face challenges, but it remains a force to be reckoned with in German politics.

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